And the time has come.
DUN dun DUUUUNNNNN......Second Semester Senior Year.
You will all have a front row seat as I am about to embark on the last few months of school I have. The portfolio reviews, the projects start to finish, the piles of letters I am about to send to potential employers and clients, you will get to see it all.
This semester I am also taking 2 classes that I am required to blog about every week, and the links to these blogs are located at the top of this page "Monica's Animations" for my Design for Media class, and "Monica is Drawing" for my Cafe Sketch class.
I have also linked my website (HURRAH!) that I completed about a month ago. I will be updating my site a few times a year, probably right before directions, and then again next fall. This blog will be the one that I will be actively updating and communicating on.
So if this is your first time visiting, welcome! I'm glad you are here! please feel free to comment, critique, or just follow me for future posts. I look forward to hearing from you :D